Northern France, Raismes, Saint Amand Forest |
Large areas of greenery on your very doorstep will perk up the most tired brain cells and encourage you to tread lightly as you discover our five Regional Natural Parks, our immense forests (100,000 hectares!), our 100-plus soothing gardens including 31 classified Jardins Remarquables, our protected sites, our RAMSAR classified wetlands, our Natura 2000 sites… Here, fragrances, colours and sounds (or sometimes absolute silence!) permeate you, as does the naturally slow rhythm of life. Mother Nature offers up her panoramas to contemplate, her vitamins and her philosophy… Try once and you’ll be eager for many more such sorties!
The slow flow of a river deep within a valley, the murmur of a stream, the rich and primeval odour of damp soil…Everything contributes to a sense of escape and relaxation. The Hauts-de-France region has close to 5,000 miles of rivers, 620 of which are navigable. It’s also the French region with the most canals. So it’s no surprise to find a profusion of activities on the water here, perfect for reconnecting with nature. Let yourself be surprised by the options: float between the Audomarois marshlands with their cabbages, through the Hortillonnages (floating market gardens) of Amiens, among the seals of the Somme Bay in a canoe, through the landscapes of the 7 Valleys or even in the heart of Lille’s metropolis…
Recharge your batteries in an XXL natural setting. Where and how? In Hauts-de-France, where the simple pleasures of a weekend in the countryside and a reconnection with your five senses await you. It’s the best way to anchor yourself in the present and soothe the mind, making it an excellent stress reliever.
Find out about our array of weekend gateways in nature.