Saint-Jean-aux-Bois _ Festival des Forêts © CRTC Hauts-de-France_Anne-Sophie FlamentSaint-Jean-aux-Bois __ Festival des Forêts © CRTC Hauts-de-France_Anne-Sophie Flament
©Saint-Jean-aux-Bois, Festival des Forêts |CRTC Hauts-de-France_Anne-Sophie Flament

Visit Saint-Jean-aux-Bois

A charming village nestled in the Forest of Compiègne

Cross the small bridge that spans the ru des Planchettes stream and pass through the two towers into the circle of small houses that surround the majestic abbatial church, described by painter François Rouan as “the showstopper”. Next to it lies the botanic garden, a playful and bucolic world to explore. You are at the heart of the Forest of Compiègne, where you’ll be able to disconnect and create memories that will last a lifetime.

5 good reasons to visit

Reason n°1

Nearby, a two-and-a-half hour drive from Calais

Reason n°2

Unique, thanks to the Grand Organ in its listed abbatial church

Reason n°3

Practical, for walks and bike rides in the Forest of Compiègne

Reason n°4

Surprising:  the Festival des Forêts which brings together art and nature in new forms

Reason n°4

Famous, the well-known French song L’amant de Saint-Jean was written at “La Bonne Idée” inn

Painter François Rouan tells us…

When François Rouan, who painted the building’s stained-glass windows, first discovered the abbatial church of Saint-Jean-aux-Bois, he experienced “a feeling of vacillation, between the present and a far-away past, that you can only sense and that transcends you.”

François Rouan, painter

4 experiences to whet your appetite
